Hope everyone is enjoying some downtime this summer after finishing school years, camp seasons, spring football, and before going into fall camps with their teams. It's been a while since I've posted any updates on the site, although I have sporadically checked and posted on social media accounts. I have received some messages and texts about the YouTube page; unfortunately, the account was deleted by YouTube. I have been busy with other things going on and unable to post more about it until recently when I have had more free time to post. The Old Football Film website and account are something I do in my free time for educational materials related to my football interests, so at times, it goes on the back burner. This page and account have not been for financial gain, so everything done on it has been free and at no cost. Figuring out ways to share film and content in ways that fit that model has been tricky at times. This is not one of those posts that leads to a call for money, I am just explaining why other options haven't been used.
With that being said, I am hoping and planning for some new content coming soon, including some new work with online football resource websites this summer, as well as more posting on social media. I am excited about the content planned for this summer and open to feedback on what people would like to see more of on this site. If anyone has feedback on what they would be interested in seeing, please reach out by email at filmhistoric@gmail.com If anyone would like to contribute an article, clinic, or has ideas for something they would want to present, I would love to hear that as well and help provide a platform.
update storing videos for personal use on rumble for now if anyone would like to watch here is a link to the library: