2014 Stats and Study
- We’re slipping. Football is changing, numbers & angles are changing.
- Movement from 21 to spread “fast ball”

Faster game in space needs to be played smaller and faster
- Roquan Smith HS WR… turned down at Alabama
- Monitor weight 2 days a week all year
- 2014 TOSU didn’t block interior of Alabama and ran outside.
Met with Tom Herman to see his thoughts and plan.
- Huge on the inside and couldn’t run sideline to sideline
- Weren’t going to run inside
- Lots of outside leverage was going to throw slants and in breaking routes
- Met with Todd Orlando, odd defense front fan
Issues Found:

People dictated fronts to them
- 2 Gap 3 down did not match spread offensive schemes
- Did not like LB vs. uncovered OG’s and also playing Spread WR’s and RB’s
Solution: Mint Nickle (Odd, Eyes, etc.)

Want 50/50 but can be dictated based on match ups, how you’re attacked, and score (Not an ideal rush front)
Work techniques related similar to odd, but drill:
- Trey drill interior (0,30’s vs. OC, OG’s), half line

Had to change alignment rules
- Were field and boundary had to change due to tempo and FSL getting them set up to fail.
- First look to SL for signal while running to ball. “If you’re aligned near the ball we have a shot.”
Mint (Nickel) Star travel with formation strength, different than base still field boundary
- Helps vs speed sweeps to field in FSL, helps with verticals & Screens to boundary
- Multiplicity in defense (50/50 Odd Even, 50/50 middle open middle closed, 50/50 pressure/coverage)
Simplified calls, anything more than 2 word becomes one word after initial verbiage is taught.
- Ex: Base Weak Jack 7 MEG Cora ck strong = Whack
Quality control studied: Tagged Chaos for misaligned
Practiced by lined up in pursuit scripted for offensive success
- Path doesn’t matter about stance start, finding the ball, and covering down.
- Progression: on air, on scouts, good on good

Still carry high volume:
- From 15 calls to 11 Calls on Install #1
- From 9 pressures to 4 pressures on Install #1
Still carry 20 Normal Down defenses, about 20 3rd down defenses.
- “Here’s our 10 base defenses… and then here’s our answers to (FSL, Counter, Etc.)”

Started as a rush 4 2-Man & 5 Man pressure defense but issues developed:
- In 2-Man QB run (Between the B Gaps) with no underneath help
- In 5/6 Man pressure offenses were able to ID it based on tendencies and get the ball out for big plays
- Mentions a tell they had (press in middle closed, off to read release in 2-man)

Solution #1: 3 Man Rush spy to combat the modern dual threat QB
- Lurk (aggressive spy) about forcing the throw more so than a sack
- Mirror Q as soon as he leaves the spot go add.
- Transitioned to 3-man rush (wreck front) with backer spy (lurk)
- Change front or back end to match previous pressures or looks
- Make them rep one thing and get something else
- How can a mug or a person effect the protection to set up success?

Solution #2: Simulated pressure looks with modified base coverage calls
- Gives offense look pre-snap of a pressure but post-snap gives them a different coverage but manufactures pressure
- Need to bring pressure to simulate pressure
- Multiplicity of coverage examples: 1 Rat, 2 Trap, 3/6, 2, Cover 5, etc.
- Help dictate 1 on 1’s
- If they do not get there you get sound coverage
- Align to execute, but hold shell until there is an indicator
- Mars 5 – LB Twist 2-man sim

Constantly evolving and learning
- Top 3rd down defenses 2018 Georgia Studied
